Seminar alert 2024
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Seminar alert 2024

For the upcoming year 2024 we have planned 4 international seminars here at the Honbu Dojo in Belgium. They are dedicated to a certain topic in the arts of Chi Ryu Aiki-JuJitsu, Chi Ryu Iaido and Okinawa Kobudo.

Here are the dates:

  • Chi Ryu Iaido spring seminar (9-11 February 2024)
  • Okinawa Kobudo seminar (22-24 March 2024)
  • Chi Ryu Aiki-JuJitsu seminar (9-12 May 2024)
  • Chi Ryu Iaido fall seminar (27-29 September 2024)

Be aware that the dojo only fits a certain number of students and we are going to accept registrations for the seminar according to the principal ‘first come first serve’. You can always register by sending an e-mail.
